
More than 21% of energy saving can be achieved, 28% in heating load and 40% in cooling. The obtained results show that the application of the multi-objective study conclusions combined with an efficient use of renewable energies makes it possible to achieve zero energy building throughout all Moroccan housing stock. A multi-objective optimization has been carried out in order to find the best solution which will allow a compromise between the building life cycle cost, energy saving and thermal comfort through the optimization of the aforementioned design parameters as passive energy efficiency measures. The design features considered include building orientation, windows type and Window-to-Wall Ratio, wall and roof insulation and infiltration rate. The impacts of retrofitting an existing residential building to meet zero energy balance in the six Moroccan climatic zones have been investigated. The investigation has shown that a standard simulation is accurate to only reproduce the thermal response in a free-floating regime instead, the detailed simulation has led to overall cooling and heating energy needs in the continuous regime, respectively, of 51.4 kWh/m 3 and 49.1 kWh/m 3, avoiding to obtain very high errors.The present study aims to assess the possibility of achieving net zero energy building in the Moroccan housing stock by combining architectural energy efficiency practices and renewable energies for hot water and electricity productions. The main parameters affecting the greenhouse thermal balance were investigated in both a free-floating and continuous regime.


This work aims to overcome this gap by proposing a reference methodology to accommodate the building TRNSYS software for a greenhouse able to consider simultaneously different thermal phenomena with detailed modelling of: dense volume discretization, 3D shortwave and longwave radiative exchange, air flow exchanges, presence of lamps with their exact 3D position, ground and plant evapotranspiration, and convective heat transfer coefficients.Ī standard hourly simulation of the one-zone greenhouse was validated with another recognized tool, showing excellent agreement throughout the year. The greenhouse simulation is still a very complex task despite many building tools are available in the literature.

trnsys trnsys

In the greenhouse envelope and system design phase, thermodynamic performance simulation tools are required. Greenhouse technology is an important energy consumer sector representing an indispensable solution for modern methods of crop production.
